Leading a Culture of Wellbeing and Positive Mental Health
People come first
This virtual programme has been specifically designed to support Wellbeing and Mental Health Leads, school leaders and staff in how they establish and develop a culture of wellbeing and positive mental health for all members of the organisation. The sessions aim to give participants a deeper understanding of the more common mental health issues, experienced by adults within the workplace, and how they can recognise and support individuals who may be experiencing these in their own situation. During these virtual modules, participants will explore practical methods and a range of practical tools for promoting positive wellbeing within the professional culture of the school and how they can seek to build positive mental health, wellbeing and resilience, for all.

Understand the more common mental health problems that adults and young people face, and the impact they can cause.
Know the common signs of mental health problems and understand the factors that are likely to increase the risk of an individual developing a mental health problem.
Understand the impact external factors can have on mental health, and how to promote positive mental health in your environment.
Develop the skills needed to broach sensitive subjects with colleagues and be aware of the role you have in supporting positive mental health.
Know what actions to take when you consider an individual to be at risk of a mental health problem. Understand the interventions that organisations can introduce to help improve mental health and wellbeing.

This programme has been designed around three key themes:
Theme One - A Framework for Wellbeing and PMH
Module 1 - Understanding the big picture
Module 2 - Clarity precedes competence
Issues explored include:
A whole-school framework for Wellbeing and PMH
Establishing an awareness around common mental health issues and how these affect individuals within any educational setting.
Being clear...Defining mental health, mental health illness and wellbeing
Identifying signs of mental health issues
Mental Health Continuum - Examples and Case studies
Theme Two - Prevention rather than cure
Module 3 - A look at resilience and common wellbeing interferences
Module 4 - A culture for wellbeing - 5 essentials
Issues explored include:
Developing collective responsibility for professional wellbeing
Quick wins for positive Wellbeing
It’s all about routines and rituals...but what’s the difference?
Developing a psychological safe culture for professional growth
Professional behaviours that support the development of mental strength.
Theme 3 - Looking forward
Module 5 - A wellbeing and Mental Health Policy
Module 6 - Developing wellbeing within our children
Issues explored include:
Consistency with regard to approaches for the development of key issues around PMH and W
Designing an appropriate strategy for the future of wellbeing and PMH
Sign posting the signposts - Are we all aware of how to offer appropriate advice?
Classroom Cultures - Ensuring every child is in a psychologically safe environment.
Rituals for the wellbeing of our children
Where to now? Next steps for promoting positive mental health across our school

Monday, 7th November 2022
Wednesday, 7th December 2022
Monday, 23rd January 2023
Monday, 27th February 2023
Monday, 27th March 2023
Wednesday, 17th may 2023
Timings :
Each Module - 9:30am to 11:30am
£200 P.P. (+ vat) - to include leadership e-workbook and resources
To provisionally reserve a place on this programme, please use the link below: